2. Create a Voilà site

In this section you will create a Voilà site.

Starting point: you should be logged in to DataLabs, in a project you have admin permissions for. This project should contain a JupyterLab notebook containing the code you want to host with Voilà.

project page

On the left-hand side, select Sites.

site page

Select Create Site and fill out the form. In this form, the Source Path should point to where your notebook code exists within your Project Storage, for example /data/notebooks/jupyterlab-notebook.

By default, the Voilà site will host all notebook files in the Source Path directory, providing a landing page to choose which one to view. You also have the option of choosing a specific file to host, meaning that the site will only display that notebook. The site will still be able to access other files in the directory if necessary, such as data files and scripts.

Note that Voilà sites will automatically pick up and use the kernel associated with the select notebook. So, if a particular notebook requires a Conda environment, it will use this.

When happy with the settings, click Create.

voila creation

Once created, you will be able to see your Site appear in the list, and its status will change from Requested to Ready once it is available to launch.

voila requested voila ready